Even though David is in bed for much of his time, nothing stops him from keeping up with the news and so we continue to enjoy discussions about current events such as climate change or politics. I learn a lot from them because David is quite astute and gets me thinking. Yesterday’s discussion was about Stephen Harper and his decision to continue the attack ads in Quebec against the Liberals. These ads are apparently based on not trusting a party that has had a recent scandal, despite the fact that Goodale and the Liberal party have been exonerated re the scandal. What does that say about the personal character of Stephen Harper?
Or what about his initial refusal to accept the passing by the rest of the parties that we should keep to our Kyoto Accord agreement? Or how about how he now says that he accepts it but it won’t come to anything? Everyone agrees that the Kyoto Accord isn’t perfect but what do you think of his alternatives? Do you think that they do as well at addressing the issue of climate change?
How do you think the government should create ‘teeth’ in legislation and follow through to ensure that issues of pollution, climate change control or honest government actually happen?
I’d love to hear what you think.