Canada screws up (again) on Climate

TreeHugger has an excellent overview of Canada’s failing report card on Climate Change:

To the surprise of nobody who lives there, Canada has come in dead last on a climate report card prepared by the World Wildlife Foundation. The US is close behind, but at least is going in the right direction.

“Nowhere else on Earth do fewer people steward more resources, yet Canada now stands dead last among the G8 nations in protecting our shared home from the threat of dangerous climate change,” said foundation spokesman Keith Stewart.

[From EPIC FAIL for Canada on WWF Climate Report Card : TreeHugger]

I am Canadian….. so I can practice what we are so good at – pointing out our own shortcomings!

I am ashamed that our federal government is not taking a bolder stance on Climate Change. I am sick and tired of everyone living merrily in the moment, “fiddling as Rome burns.” I am tired of looking the other way as we bury our heads in the sand and sacrifice future generations for our present comforts. I am tired of greed trumping good sense. I am tired of profits winning out over sound policy that looks ahead and not down at one’s feet. I am tired of watching scientific evidence and consenus being ignored by those who are increasingly afraid that their self-serving way of life is under threat. I am certain that we would want to make a drastic shift if we could only catch a glimpse 50 years ahead into the future… alas, our vision (or lack of it) is all we have.

We can do so much better. We have risen to challenges before, and we will rise again.

I am Canadian.